About Me

My name is Nicole Hernandez and I live in the beautiful twin island state in the southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago. I have been teaching from First Year to Standard Five, which is equivalent to Kindergarten through to Grade 6, for over thirty years . I am married with three children. I completed a B. Ed (Bachelor of Education) majoring in Language Arts and in October 2016 I graduated from the University of the West Indies with a Masters in Literacy Instruction. At present I teach first year. Thank you for visiting my blog!


  1. It's so great to meet a fellow teacher-blogger from Trinidad and Tobago! Hi there, Ms. Hernandez, welcome to the blogging world! - Nyla.
    Teacher Nyla

    1. Thanks Nyla. I am pleased to meet you! I am new to this so I need all the tips I can get! :)

  2. Nicole, this is a quite a pleasure. I am excited to find a fellow blogger FROM TRINIDAD. This is so encouraging, to find persons interested in the development of our country, a vocation we so desperately need. Keep up the good work and God bless!

    1. Thanks Tammy! I am now more inspired to continue my efforts!!

  3. Hi Nicole,

    I was trying to purchase your CVC Word Brick Wall
    activity from Teacher's Notebook and I'm having trouble downloading it. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

  4. I'm not sure. Everything is ok on my end.

  5. Just popping in over to say hi, lovely blog.

  6. Hello and thanks for the compliment. As I'm sure you, this takes a lot of work and I'm enjoying every bit of it!

  7. Loving your BLOG!It is FULL of wonderful resources!


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