Mastering Classroom Management in the Digital Age


An image showing classroom activities in the digital age

Picture this: A quiet classroom with students seated in neat rows; the teacher at the front, chalk in hand, scribbling on the blackboard. The teacher's voice carries over the occasional whisper, guiding students through the lesson. The teacher established clear rules, consistent routines, and has a watchful eye to maintain order. 

A classroom bustling with students, each seated in neat rows, the teacher at the front

Now picture this: A classroom is buzzing with the sounds of students logging into their tablets and laptops as a digital timer counts down. With a tap on her screen, the teacher casts a warm welcome message to all devices, circulates the room, checking in with each student.  

A classroom is buzzing with the sounds of students logging into their tablets and laptops

This is what many classrooms look like today. The rise of digital tools and remote learning has changed the educational landscape. We, as teachers, are facing some new challenges and have little or no choice where technology is concerned. As a result of this change we, as teachers, are finding creative ways to manage the classroom experience and adapt our management styles. 

Today, I’m excited to share some innovative strategies that can help you manage your classroom better in this digital age. With these strategies added into your repertoire you will be able to keep your students engaged, and create a positive learning environment for them.

A collage of a traditional vs an elementary classroom

The Importance of Effective Classroom Management

We all know that effective classroom management is essential for creating a positive learning space. It helps minimize disruptions, fosters respect and cooperation among our students, and it allows us to focus on teaching. Integrating technology in the classroom regardless of the scale can sometimes interfere with effective classroom management.

 Students using technological devices can easily become distracted, making it tricky to keep them on task. Additionally, finding ways to keep students engaged as well as monitoring individual behaviors in a blended or fully online setting is a very daunting task. The digital environment can be very difficult. 

Students with technology in the classroom

Innovative Strategies for Classroom Management

1. Gamification

Gamification is about turning learning into a game. Adding game-like elements, like points, badges, and leaderboards, to classroom activities is an easier way to integrate technology. This makes learning more fun and engaging for students. Points are awarded for completing assignments or good behavior and let students see their progress on a leaderboard. As students are challenged and strive for rewards the learning process becomes more interactive and exciting. 

Useful Link: Classcraft – A platform that turns classroom management into a role-playing game.

multicultural students participate in a game in the elementary classroom. The teachers shows score on a smartboard

2. Flexible Seating

Flexible seating is a classroom setup where students can choose from various seating options like bean bags, standing desks, and floor cushions. This approach allows students to select the seating arrangement that best suits their learning style and comfort. It helps them improve focus, encourages collaboration, and fosters a sense of independence among them. By offering different seating choices, you can create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. Flexible seating is all about making the classroom more adaptable to each student's needs, promoting a positive and productive atmosphere.

Useful Link: Edutopia on Flexible Seating – Flexible Seating Elevates Student Engagement in the classroom.

Students sitting on bean bags and floor cushions

3. Digital Tools for Classroom Management

There are tons of digital tools out there that can help us manage our classrooms more effectively. When it comes to digital tools that make classroom management a breeze, I have a few favorites that I can't recommend enough. 

First up is ClassDojo. It's an amazing tool for tracking student behavior and communicating with parents. With ClassDojo, I can easily reward positive behavior and keep parents in the loop about their child's progress, which helps build a positive classroom culture. Plus, the kids love seeing their Dojo points go up!

Then, there's Google Classroom. This versatile platform has transformed how I manage assignments and communication. Google Classroom makes it easy to distribute and collect assignments, provide feedback, and keep everything organized. The best part is that students and parents can access everything in one place, making it a seamless experience for everyone.

Classkick is a game-changer for interactive learning and real-time feedback. With Classkick, you can create assignments, monitor student progress, and provide instant feedback. Students will love the interactive format, plus, you can easily see who needs extra help and who is excelling. Classkick makes differentiating instruction a breeze and keeps students engaged. 

Seesaw is perfect for creating a student-driven digital portfolio. It allows students to document their learning with photos, videos, and drawings, and share their progress with me and their parents. This tool is fantastic for keeping everyone involved and informed about students' achievements and areas for improvement. It encourages students to take ownership of their learning and boosts communication with parents. 

Next, there is Classroom Screen. This is yet another versatile tool that helps manage classroom activities and time. With Classroom Screen, you can display timers, noise meters, and instructions on your projector, keeping students on track and minimizing disruptions. Classroom Screen is an excellent way to maintain a smooth and organized classroom flow. It can help you keep the class running efficiently and ensures that your students know what to expect throughout the day.

Finally, I recommend Remind for quick and effective communication. This tool will allow you to send messages directly to your students and parents, whether it is a reminder about a homework assignment, an upcoming event, or just a quick note of encouragement. Remind is user-friendly and ensures that everyone stays connected and informed.

These digital tools will truly revolutionized your teaching experience, making classroom management more efficient and engaging for both you and your students.

Useful Links:

4. Mindfulness and Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Implementing mindfulness and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a powerful classroom management strategy, especially for counterbalancing the constant stimuli from technology. Starting the day with deep breathing or guided meditation helps students focus, reduce stress, and take a break from screens. A great idea  is to Integrate an SEL curriculum that teaches essential skills like empathy, self-awareness, and conflict resolution to foster a supportive classroom environment. Encourage your students to reflect on their behavior and emotions through journals or discussions, promoting self-regulation and positive interactions

These practices create a calm, respectful, and focused atmosphere, making it easier to manage the classroom and enhance student learning and well-being.
Here is just one example of a mindful activity that can be used in the classroom.


Effective classroom management is crucial for creating a positive and productive learning environment. By adopting innovative strategies such as gamification, flexible seating, digital tools and mindfulness activities, teachers can address the challenges of the digital age and enhance student engagement and behavior. I suggest that you start small, set clear expectations, seek feedback, and collaborate with colleagues to implement these strategies successfully. With the right approach, we can transform our classrooms into dynamic and supportive spaces where our students thrive.
