Our Healthy Classroom COVID-19 Safety Posters and Student Printables


Keep your students well informed about how they should keep their classroom germ-free and healthy. These 42 COVID-19 safety posters (21 colored;21 black 'n white) are great as a bulletin board display or they can be used as anchor charts for instruction when discussing the key rules of keeping themselves safe in their classroom. Reduced sizes are included for student notebooks. Print Only the posters that you need.

The following safety posters are included in colored and black and white:

•Cough or sneeze in elbow

•Cover your nose, mouth and chin (mask etiquette)

•Keep fingers out of mouth

•Eat your own food

•Keep objects out of mouth

•Keep fingers out of mouth

•Use hand sanitizers

•Wipe your surface

•Wear your mask

•Hands off your face

•Stay at your desk

•Wash hands with soap

•Wash hands for 20 seconds

•Rinse with water

•Use your own supplies

•Stay home when sick

•Greet from a distance

•Take your temperature

•Keep 6ft apart

•How to wear your mask

•How to wear your shield

Colored Posters

Black and white Posters

Colored Student Notebook Sheet

Click the picture below to go directly to the posters.
