Why Teaching is NOT a Labor of Love

Why do teachers stay in teaching till retirement? I'm already in 26 years and ready to give up. Teaching has become a hassle, a hustle and a juggle of blame and defence.  School administrators want accountability while giving teachers little support. Parents want success with little or no involvement. Dangling between these expectations are the teachers and children. The teachers are stressed out. The children are saturated.  So what are teachers to do?

It is time for school officials to put down their clipboards and really show their support for teachers who do so much. It is time for parents to walk the walk by taking full responsibility for their children's failures. Teachers get the short end of the stick because they are the ones in direct contact with children more than anyone else. Oh yes!! Its the teacher blame game!!!!

Blame the teachers for everything!!! When officials want better student performances, target the teachers! When parents want straight As on their children's report cards, leave it all in the hands of the teachers! When society wants a change in its form and shape make the teachers accountable for that!!! 

So tell me, when are teachers going to enjoy the support of everyone in teaching children? When are children going to enjoy learning in a comfortable and nurturing atmosphere? When would everyone take full responsibility for students performances? Maybe never!!! Mind you, there are many parents who do take responsibility and work with their children from the start. Many have to grapple with the idea that their children's teachers are not doing squat on any given day. All these scenarios are real and too often. This also puts pressure on the teachers who labor in love.

Teaching can only be seen as a noble profession when teachers get to exercise nobility by serving others without the hassle and hustle, blame and defence.
