5 Critical Skills for Reading Readiness

I believe that many parents today are only now realising how important they really are to the reading success of their children. If many were to turn the hands of time and go back to their child's infancy,  I believe that they would have done things differently, if they could! I always encourage my school parents to help their children at home in any way possible, but, sad to say, many are either too busy or too tired. As a result, many five-year-olds continue to struggle daily. Indeed this is heart-wrenching! At this time of year we often see the agony and disappointment on their faces as they look on at their classmates who made it successfully to another class level.

Reading readiness has been defined as the point at which a child is ready to read.  Let me just say that all children are not ready at the same time and few children come to school fully ready. According to experts a child's state of reading readiness is determined by many factors including the child’s self-concept, his or her values and attitude towards education, physiological and psychological maturity, and motivation. Many proport that there are five (5) critical skills which teachers can examine to identify those students who are ready to read. The following is a video sketch of the critical readiness skills.

Print Awareness

Letter Knowledge

Phonological Awareness

Listening Comprehension

Motivation to Read
