Writing With Sense and A FREEBIE!

I have the unearthing experience of teaching kids who are reluctant to write. I guide them and teach them well  yet still they always get depressed (really) when it comes to putting their thoughts down on paper. My 12 year old hates to write so much that you can actually see the transformation of feelings at the very sight of lined paper. It seems to be an isolated case, but I'm pretty sure that you have seen that before. I must say that I have a few tricks up my sleeve for her during this holiday time despite her celebratory mode. I'm going to get her to write by engaging her senses at this time. So this is my plan!

Focus on Adjectives
Adjectives are very important in writing so we will match all five senses with as much adjectives as possible. For example;
                       sight-pretty, beautiful, ugly, green, white, orange
                       smell-sweet, good, bad
                       sound-loud, quiet
                       feel-hard, soft, rough
                       taste-sweet, yummy, sour, bitter, nasty
We will eventually rule out the weak and unimaginative words for the more colorful ones.

Experience The Senses
This is an opportunity for us to gather as many sensory objects as possible to experience  the senses at work. The key here is to describe an object using as many senses as is possible.

Writing With Sense
This is the actual writing or documenting of experiences. In this process thoughts become words and words fuse together into a cohesive piece. In other words, I say what I mean, I mean what I say. So, at this point there must be a definite change in behavior.

I have put some ideas down on paper to help with descriptive writing and it is FREE for the taking. It is suitable for kids from Kindergarten to Grade 1 depending on their working level.
You can click  HERE for a link.

 Anyway I've got to go. Let's see how much I could accomplish. :)


  1. Ugg...reluctant writers!! I feel your pain. Love your product. I am going to pin it for my many teacher friends with the same problem!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

  2. Hi, I am new follower. Love your blog design and all your ideas.

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    Happy New Year.

  3. Thanks Sara and Happy New Year to you too!!


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