Upcycle Your Plastic Cake Containers

My family and I celebrated three birthdays for the year so far. Lots of love and kisses and lots of cake and ice-cream (I'm feeling that now). Anyway, against the wishes of my significant other who doesn't miss an episode of Hoarders on TV, I KEPT THE CAKE CONTAINERS! (Actually I keep things home temporarily until I can deposit them at school, so he is anxiously awaiting the start of school.)

 So I looked around cyberspace in search of some new and innovative ideas on upcyling plastic cake containers that I can probably tweak for use in the classroom, and I did find some. So today I am going to reveal what I took delight into making. The picture quality is not as I would have liked but I'm sure you understand. :)

A Caquarium

To make this is very simple. You will need:

A piece of styrofoam or cardboard for the base
1 styrofoam cup
poster paint
shells (or sand)
pictures of fish and other aquatic life
super strong glue

If this amazes you check these general ideas! Click on the pictures for details.



Upcycled Plastic Cake Dish Bird Bath  


  1. Thanks for linking to my upcycled birdbath. It's good to know that there are other "crazy" folks out there wondering what they can do with there plastic cake containers. :-)


  2. what a great idea! really like this post and your blog!

    Plastic Bulk Containers

    Solar power kits

  3. Plastic Containers like these would really help in preserving the food or things inside it like this cake.


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