How To Handle Difficult Parents!

Every year at the start of the school year, I am always concerned about the types of parents I am getting. The students are easy to work with provided that their parents do what they must do and react how they should react. Oftentimes I am faced with very dreadful parents who seem to want instant fixes and overall 'dismisses' of their child's unacceptable behavior. As a matter of fact, the parents I want to see are usually the ones who remain at bay, on edge, waiting for the 'kill'! 

This year I am preparing myself to handle these few but significant difficult parents, thanks to Barbara and Sue Gruber. Their 10 Tips to Deal with Difficult Parents Effectively will do the trick. Let's see....

1. Find common ground!

We all want the same thing!

2. Be Sensitive!
That's their baby you're talkin' about!

3. Keep Proper Records!
Take note of dates, times of  events

4. Contact Parents!
Catch them early!

5. Give Specific Examples

Show them what you are working towards!

6. Caught off guard  with a Question? Put off answering!

7. Confrontational? End the Meeting!

8. Too much info? Bring them back to focus on the child!
You're not a therapist!

9. Keep away from Family Disputes!

10. Watch Out for Hovering Parents! They volunteer for every thing!
Read the entire article HERE!


  1. Hi there,
    I just found you and am your newest follower. These are all great tips. I've had all of th above in my 19 years teaching...LOL
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. These ideas are great, thanks to the source, Barbara and Gruber. I could not help but share them.


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